What is each Operator’s Favorite Pizza?

This was a discussion on the Snowbreak Discord earlier today, and I thought it would make a fun discussion here.

How did we get to this? Well, someone was asking about Paradoxical Labyrinth and someone else was trying to be funny and telling them to do it on easy a bunch of times. And they said, they were just trying to be a little demon. So they got challenged by someone asking “If you’re a demon, what do you put on your pizza?”

So of course I had to post a few things I have in my Memes folder I keep for just such occasions…

I don’t even eat Sushi, but this looks pretty good to me!
Whoever came up with this image is one disturbed individual…


This one ended up getting modded off the discord! Go figure… >.>

But yeah… then the thought occurred to me, what Pizza would each of the operators like best? And this is what I came up with.  Enjoy!

      • Lyfe: She doesn’t really care, as long as it’s frozen.
      • Chenxing: Someone had mentioned she’d make the BEST pizza of all, but didn’t have anything else to go with it. Me, I thought no matter what she got, she’d like to spice it up with some red pepper flakes.
      • Fenny: She’s all about that Supreme Pizza!
      • Haru: Three Meat Pizza. She’s gotta have that protein!
      • Marian: She’d fly you out to Sicily for some Authentic Calzones.
      • Katya: Someone had mentioned she’s make one with alcohol, but I beg to differ with that one. I think she’d just get you drunk enough to forget all about pizza in the first place! But considering who it is, I don’t think it would take much if it was just her and the Adjutant alone in a room together. Just sayin’!
      • Mauxir: She’s gotta have her Anchovies.
      • Acacia: THIS little Gremlin would be the one that LIKES Pineapple on her Pizza!
      • Fritia:  She likes Thin Crust.
      • Nita: Nita gets the crusts that people throw out. She is still homeless, after all…
      • Enya: She’d make the BEST Dessert Pizzas!
      • Siris: Aruvaro said that she’d put the pizza in the oven and forget to turn it on! I can’t really argue with that one!
      • Yao: Another Aruvaro suggestion is that Yao like hers with the Crusts slightly Burnt. So sure! Yao likes hers to be well done!
      • Tess: Being a Magician, she likes the surprise of stuffed Crust Pizzas!
      • Eatchel: Talking about Gremlins… I think she’d have her pizza square cut.  *Shudder*
      • Cherno: Being of a split personality, She’d get hers with pepperoni on one half and extra cheese on the other half!

So there you have it! We aren’t ALWAYS Degenerates in the Snowbreak Discord… It just seems that way!

If you aren’t on the Snowbreak discord (then I want to know how you found me!), and you think Containment Zone is a fun concept, then I would invite you to join and come hang out!  If you have questions about the game, it’s a great resource to have at your fingertips.  And someone will be more than happy to try to answer you! (https://discord.gg/snowbreak)

Anyway, thanks for stopping by! I’ll try to get some more actual Content up at some point. I’m just usually too busy being a degenerate in Discord… * cough *