Let’s Get Physical (Fischl)! – My Build – 2/14/2022

I know I haven’t been keeping up with the Genshin updates.  I’m working again, and Timing for me to do the updates in a timely manner just doesn’t seem to be in the cards for me.  If you don’t mind me being a day or two late, then perhaps I’ll try to do that instead of same day as the livestream? But by that time the news has already been broken so I feel like it’s no longer needed. ¯\_()_/¯

But that’s not why we are here today!  We’re here to review my Physical Fischl build!  Why this?  And Why now?  Well… Anyone that’s been around me has probably heard me mention that Fischl is my favorite character, and her Physical build is my favorite build for her.  I had a chance to play in someone else’s stream the other day, and there were a number of compliments on my Fischl , AND since she’s coming up on the 2.5 Banner for Yae Miko, I figured this would be a good time to highlight how I use her, and perhaps give you all some insights as well. If this format works, I may even decide to review the other 4-stars on the banner, and perhaps future banners, too!

Physical Fischl Build

I know that my build probably isn’t optimal, there’s always some fine tuning that can be done, but in the case of THIS Fischl, I’m quite happy with where she’s at and can focus my attention on other characters that need more TLC.

So with that being said, here’s a look under the Hood of my Physical Fischl:

Build Current as of 2/14/2022 – Happy Valentine’s Day, Prinzessin!

[WAIT!  Check out the Updated Build Below!]

UPDATED BUILD – Feb 8, 2023 – I Think I swapped out her Circlet and Flower.

She’s got a little more Def than I’d like, and those points would be better off in Attack, but it’s gonna be a while before I can find replacements for some of these artifacts.

Details 2

Her ER is on the low side as well, but Fischl is REALLY good about batterying herself, so I’m not that worried about it. (Is that even a word?  It is now!)

Skyward Harp
“Please sir… Can I have some more…?”

Seriously, I want to R5 this, but it’s taken me almost a year and a half to get the one!  Definitely worth getting it to 90.  This is kinda like the Viridescent Hunt on Steroids!  It doesn’t give quite the same amount of Crit Rate, but that Crit Damage Bonus more than makes up for it!  It also gives an occasional Physical Damage AOE attack, that can get down to every 2 seconds with refinements.

I had been using Amos’ Bow and even tried Elegy for the End  since I was using her as more Support for Yoimiya lately, but now that I have this, All bets are off!  This is definitely the Best bow for (My) Fischl!

As for Artifacts, I’ve got her using a 2 pc Pale Flame and 2 pc Bloodstained Chivalry set, giving her 2x 25% Physical damage bonus (50%).  I know a 4pc Pale Flame would be better, but as you’ll see below, the Bloodstained pieces are gonna be hard to replace!

I want to say this is my Fischl’s most Copium piece.  She got one roll into Crit Rate.  I’d love to replace this with something with Attack % as a substat, but again, that’s gonna be hard to get my hands on.  This will do for now.

Here’s my off-set piece, her Cup.  I’m actually pretty happy with how this rolled, getting the 1:2 ratio of Crit Rate:Damage.  The Defense can go somewhere else… (Like Albedo’s gear.)  >.>

Out of my 2pc Bloodstained pieces, this is the one that I’d want to replace the most.   But I do like the ER on it, and at least it doesn’t have any defense on it!

Again, no defense, but DAYAMN!  This is a REALLY good Feather! Any stat on here is a good stat to have! AND it got 21% Crit Damage, plus 15% Attack as well!  As I said before, this is gonna be a hard artifact to replace!

Lastly, is her Flower.  It may have 13% Defense, but it’s also got over 30 Crit Value!

Overall, I know these aren’t PERFECT, and can use a lot of fine tuning, but that’s also not seeing the Forest for the trees.  In other words, look at the overall stats above and see that the Sum of the Artifacts is greater than each individual piece.  Getting her gear to this stage is a journey, and I will keep my eyes open for replacement items as I farm for others, but it’s just not a priority right now.


I currently have her at 10/10/8, and with her Constellations that translates to 10/13/11.  It’s REALLY fun to put Childe in her party, as her Normal attacks are literally turned up to 11!

As for her Burst, I’m still not certain I want to crown it.  I mean, even leveling it up to 9 (12 with Constellation) is questionable on if it’s really worth it. Yes, that’s 21% increase in damage, but her burst isn’t exactly her premiere ability.  If you have nothing else to prioritize on other characters, then go ahead.  Otherwise, leaving it at 8 (11) is good enough.

[ANOTHER UPDATE:  She’s Triple Crowned! Only character I have that’s Triple Crowned! There are others I’d like to plan on doing that with, but Crowning is EXPENSIVE…!!! ]


And of course, she’s a C6.  Maybe at some future time I’ll go through her Constellations and rate them, but just know that ALL THE CONSTELLATIONS are worth it! Fischl is one of the originally released characters and was built with a philosophy that completing her constellations completed the character.  And at full C6, Fischl certainly challenges even 5-star characters for damage and carry potential.

Thank you for reading this far and do leave me a comment if you have anything to add to the conversation.

If you want to see my Fischl in action, you can find me streaming most nights at Twitch.tv/net_raven .

Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you next time, in Teyvat!

~ NetRaven


PS – If you want to see her build “LIVE,” then Click on this link to see her and a few other selected characters on my account!